IECoLSInternational, European and Comparative Legal Studies
Local de estudo | Itália, Macerata |
Área académica | Law (ISCED 042) |
Tipo | Bachelor, tempo inteiro |
Duração nominal | 3 anos (180 ECTS) |
Idioma de estudo | inglês |
Atribuições | IECoLS (Laurea triennale in International, European and Comparative Legal Studies (Classe L-14)) |
Propina | 611 € por ano At the University of Macerata, the maximum amount of fees for a full-time enrolment in the current academic year is EUR 1.600,00 (a.y. 2022/2023).
= OECD= Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development; further information here: For further details on this reduction, consult this webpage: For information on the payment deadlines and modalities, visit: |
Qualificação para entrada | Liceu / ensino secundário (ou superior) ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
Starting from a.y. 2025/2026, those who have not provided sufficient proof of knowledge of the English language which is required for pre-admission to IECoLS, must take the English Language Proficiency Test (Reading and Listening) offered by the Language Centre of the University of Macerata and aim at verifying their proficiency in English at a minimum B1 level.
Those who passed the test with a B1-level result will attend language courses for the English language at level B2 once enrolled at the University of Macerata, as a preparation for a test to be taken by the end of the first year of enrollment. Until the test is passed, the student is not permitted to take exams for modules offered for the second year of the IECoLS LLB Programme and onwards. ENTRY KNOWLEDGE VERIFICATION THROUGH TOLC For further details, please consult carefully the following pages of the University website: Further details: IECoLS website Os documentos de qualificação de entrada são aceites nas seguintes línguas: inglês / italiano. Only for the purpose of the preliminary evaluation: if your entry qualification documents are not in English or Italian, you must provide English or Italian translations: at this stage, you can produce unofficial translations. For the purpose of the final enrollment, the needed documents must be submitted with an official translation in Italian. The official Italian translation must be attached to any document submitted in a foreign language. Such translation may be produced in your country or in Italy by local courthouses or by official or courthouse translators. Translations must then be certified by the relevant Italian Consulate, unless there are special agreements to the contrary. If your certificates are in English and the course of your choice is delivered in English, you do not have to provide certificates translated into Italian. Further details are specified within the Admission and enrollment procedures section of the UniMC website. Deve levar consigo os documentos originais de qualificação de entrada quando finalmente for para a universidade. |
Requisitos linguísticos | inglês Proficiency in the English language can be demonstrated through one of the following means:
Starting from a.y. 2025/2026, those who have not provided sufficient proof of knowledge of the English language which is required for pre-admission to IECoLS, must take the English Language Proficiency Test (Reading and Listening) offered by the Language Centre of the University of Macerata and aim at verifying their proficiency in English at a minimum B1 level.
Those who passed the test with a B1-level result will attend language courses for the English language at level B2 once enrolled at the University of Macerata, as a preparation for a test to be taken by the end of the first year of enrollment. Until the test is passed, the student is not permitted to take exams for modules offered for the second year of the IECoLS LLB Programme and onwards. Further details are specified in the IECoLS website |
Outros requisitos | Pelo menos 1 referência(s) tem(êm) ser fornecida(s). Deve ser adicionada uma carta de motivação à sua candidatura. Within the motivation letter, candidates must specify:
The motivation letter must be original (plagiarism will affect the evaluation), concise and effective. Requisitos específicos para candidatos não pertencentes à UE: Pre-enrollment on UNIVERSITALY for a study visa application Within the UNIVERSITALY portal, detailed information to complete properly and effectively the pre-enrollment application is provided. The subsequent step of visa application must be processed and finalised at the relevant Italian Diplomatic authority.
Mais informações |
Visão geral
The Department of Law at the University of Macerata is offering a new bachelor’s degree in Legal Studies, entirely taught in English, and focused specifically on International, European, and Comparative topics: the International, European and Comparative Legal Studies – IECoLS (class L-14) Programme.
A strong internationally-focused background
If you are interested in widening your horizons, with IECoLS you’ll be able to learn Law, expand your knowledge, and engage in international experiences that will be of the utmost importance for your future career.
IECoLS will allow you:
- to get comprehensive legal training at the theoretical level;
- to strengthen your knowledge and skills through internships and traineeships in Italy and abroad;
- to enter the job market when you graduate with the advantage of a strong and unique internationally focused educational background;
- or to continue your studies, specialising with a Master’s Degree in Italy or abroad.
One of the oldest Italian Universities
The University of Macerata is one among the oldest and most renowned Italian Universities. The Department of Law is the oldest department of the University and maintains the tradition of the Studium Juris founded in Macerata in 1290.
The University eagerly engages in the challenge of renewing and the familiarising itself with the most innovative trends in legal issues. It has an internationally recognised reputation and has traditionally been eager to host first-class visiting scholars from abroad interested in delivering courses and seminars.
This tradition continues with and is enhanced by the IECoLS LLB, for the full advantage of our students studying the most advanced issues in current legal studies.
Further details are specified in the IECoLS website
Estrutura do programa
IECoLS is a 3-year degree programme in International, European and Comparative Legal Studies taught entirely in English.
It allows you to apply for positions in both the public and private sectors. In particular, the IECoLS course will be your key asset for careers in International or supranational organisations, and in enterprises (such as the financial area) and public administrations with links to the international trade sector, and/or with specific relationships with the Chinese economy.
To complete the LLB degree, you must pass 18 subject-exams, attend specialising seminars, complete an internship and prepare a final thesis, for a total of 180 ECTS.The IECoLS programme is taught in English to allow students a transnational approach to the legal phenomenon, opening up at the end of the course the possibility of careers even outside the national territory.
Details on the programme curriculum, syllaby and scheduled seminars are specified here.
Classes start in mid-September, each year. The academic year is divided into a winter term (September to December) and a spring term (February to May). The teaching modules are scheduled in both semesters, with approximatively the same number of teaching hours per semester.
Examination sessions are between December and February and between May and September.
There are four graduation sessions per year.
Details on the academic calendar and class timetables are specified here.
The LLB degree focuses on the student’s learning experience. Each teaching module will pay specific attention to the students, facilitating their active involvement through experience-based teaching and, as far as possible, on case law and in-class debates. E-learning facilities are available through the dedicated UniMC platform to provide additional material for all students.
The teaching staff of IECoLS LLB is formed by experts in the subjects taught. The faculty have international experience in both teaching and research. In addition, prominent international scholars visiting the University of Macerata will provide *additional teaching activities* each year.
International opportunities
The IECoLS LLB takes full advantage of the international network established by the University of Macerata – Department of Law for student mobility.
In particular, the Department of Law has currently more than 40 ongoing Erasmus+ agreements with partner universities in a dozen countries. This allows you to spend one or more semesters abroad, expanding your knowledge and experiences, without having to extend the overall duration of your LLB.
Outside the European Union, the Department of Law is a part of many bilateral agreements that allow our students to spend semesters and take exams in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, China, South Korea and the USA.
IECoLS students are also entitled to take advantage of the UniMC scholarships for preparing the final exam abroad.
More information here
Oportunidades de carreira
Career and further education opportunities
The programme prepares students for the job market by focusing on the transnational legal dimension, both in substantive and procedural matters. This helps IECoLS graduates to enter many different job sectors.
In particular, it prepares graduates for the following positions:
- Legal advisor in international banking, financial and insurance area.
- Legal advisor for the internationalisation of SMEs.
- Representatives of international trade areas for Chambers of Commerce and trade associations.
- Foreign contact officials in Public Administrations.
- Permanent officials for European institutions and other international organisations.
In addition, the IECoLS graduate could decide to enrol in further Higher Education programmes, in Italy and abroad.
To this end, the Department of Law of the University of Macerata offers a pre-approved integration programme allowing the IECoLS graduate to enrol in the 5-year LLM in Law (Diploma di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza), required for accessing the public selections for all the traditional legal professions in Italy. The programme recognizes a meaningful number of ECTS. This should lead the IECoLS graduate to earn the Master degree in Law within three years after enrolment.
In addition, IECoLS graduatea are already qualified to enrol directly in the Master’s programmes Politiche europee e relazioni euromediterranee (class LM-62, in Italian) and International Relations (class LM-52, in English) offered by the UniMC’s Department of Political Sciences, Communication and International Relations.
Naturally, after the LLB the IECoLS graduate is also entitled to enrol in Master courses offered by universities abroad. To this end, the Department of Law is currently developing agreements with foreign Universities, both European and non-European.
Further information here